Monday, April 23, 2012

BriTANicK: Web Site Review

The title page for the sketch comedy duo “BriTANicK” introduces them as “two guys wasting their degrees.”  This seems less like a joke when you read the description for their longest, most elaborate film, “Eagles Are Turning People Into Horses” (don’t even ask).  The movie was a Thesis Film for NYU, and according to the creators, it “garnered no support or money from any of the faculty, and nearly got [Brian McElhaney] thrown out of class.”  However, scroll down a bit further, and you’ll see beamingly positive reviews from three other sources, including the Chicago Tribune.  Creators Brian McElhaney and Nick Kocher certainly know what they’re doing, even if we don’t.
However, the pair has been producing truly hilarious comedy shorts since long before the making of this film.  Ever since it has gradually become easier and easier for people to share videos around the world, there have been a lucky few who have managed to explode into fame (okay, not Leo DiCaprio fame or anything, but still, fame).  The Whitest Kids U Know is an excellent example of this, and each season of their show has been consistent in its wit, proving that the requirements and restrictions of TV format do not automatically cause people like this to run out of ideas.  Derrick Comedy had enormous potential, but their movie, “Mystery Team”, was a giant turd, and Donald Glover is now too busy doing stand-up and writing for 30 Rock to go back and rekindle the hilarity.  Somebody needs to step up and take their internet fame to the next level, and if Nick and Brian aren’t next in line, they’re certainly one of the most promising contenders.  In fact, Nick already landed a guest spot on an episode of Louie, a show that’s probably destined to go down as one of the most brilliant comedy shows in history.
Their website,, has a refreshingly simple layout.  No flash, no flair; even the background is relaxing, looking like a wall out of a house from Santa Fe.  The different pages of the site are clearly placed at the top of every page, and their entire collection of videos is listed in mostly-chronological order.  Among their biggest gems are “Herpex”, “A Talk With Dad”, “Brainteasers”, and “Fudge”, though that last one may only appeal to fans of “A Christmas Story.”  Their humor is a bit on the dark side, but never too uncomfortable, always absurd enough to stay truly funny.  It also helps that the production value on even their earliest, cheapest videos always looks at least decent; it’s obvious that they care about the visual experience just as much as the humor.
The next time you find yourself wasting time on the internet, check out  They could be the next big thing.  At least, it’s about time they were.


  1. you give a lot of good descriptions of what this website has to offer. Easy to follow.

  2. really well-written, but i would have liked to hear more about the actual videos, and the types of humor that they use. i'll be checking this one out fersure.

  3. Good references in the middle section, but I also would have like to hear a little more about what the videos were actually about.

  4. Good examples just not examples from the actual videos. Needs more details in order to be more effective.
